Welcome to the website of the artist Lynda Diamond Ongoing Painting and Drawing Classes in Toronto and “Online” ! Scroll Down for more info
NEW! Teaching Adults and Kids Online!
Adults” can register on Meetup at https://www.meetup.com/toronto-drawing-and-painting-classes-and-workshops/events/302675128/
“Kids” 9-18yrs can register for online classes at Outschool https://outschool.com/teachers/Lynda-Diamond?refuid=16hTT1xy
Questions? Contact me: lyndadia@gmail.com SCROLL DOWN
Learn the mechanics of drawing and oil painting as Lynda learned from the great master Odd Nerdrum. You will gain a firm foundation in drawing, materials and technique, beginning with a simple painting and progressing to the complex images you’ve always dreamed of painting. All “levels of experience” are welcome, and students may—and often do!—continue to take classes with Lynda as long as they wish.